Monday, October 31, 2016

 Do people who change Black Lives Matter to All Lives Matter run through a cancer fundraiser yelling "There are other diseases too!"? Do they crash strangers' funerals shouting "I too have felt loss!"?  This is one of, if not the biggest misconceptions of the movement. That the movement is anti white people or anti police.  I can't stress enough that the "BLM" is not anti white people or anti police. According to http://blacklivesmatter. com: it shows that" none of this is about hatred for white life. It is about acknowledging that the system already treats white lives as if they have more value, as if they are more worthy of protection, safety, education, and a good quality of life than black lives are." Same goes for police officers. Officers are very respected and honored for their bravery and courage, but since police officers are the ones carrying out these horrible crimes, everyone expects the community of color to hates the police. That's not the case either. the same article shows that "the Black Lives Matter movement is not trying to make the world more unsafe for police officers; it hopes to make police officers less of a threat to communities of color." Everyone understands that all lives matter, but all lives can't matter until black lives matter. People need to get over themselves and acknowledge the problems that are happening.
When people are dealing with breast cancer no one interrupts them and states that there are other diseases that matter. We all know that all lives matter, but at this moment black lives don't, so all lives can't matter until black lives do. We aren't trying to be selfish, we just want to address the problem at hand. Martin Luther King once said "Our lives begin to end the day we start to become silent about things that matter." This movement is something that matters to both me and many communities, and if we don't stand up and fight for our rights no one will. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Poltics vs BLM

Black Lives Matter movement has been going on for many years, and now that the presidential race is upon us, we wanna know what each candidate has to say about the movement and what they will do if elected. In this blog we will discuss Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s stance and his plans for the future.

According to Trump states “Its a massive crisis...Some horrible mistakes are made. At the same time, we have to give power back to the police, because crime is rampant.” The mistakes he refers to are the recent killings of innocent black Americans. Although Trump understands that this is wrong, I don’t fully stand by his solution to “give back the power to the police”. Giving police power is just gonna make them want to abuse it again. They need to be able to realize that having a badge on your shirt doesn’t mean everything they are doing is justified. In the same article Trump states that “we have to have law and order,” he said. “We have to give strength and power back to the police. You’re always going to have bad apples .. [but] the police have to regain some control of this crime wave and killing wave that we have in this country.” Officers are the people who started this problem in the first place, so how are they gonna be able to solve and gain control of something they started? According to ,Trump also makes the statement that “believes the Black Lives Matter movement has in some cases helped instigate the recent killings of police officers, and also called the group a "threat" and accused the group of "essentially calling death to the police,".  If Trump wants to gain the votes of people he needs to stop trying to accuse them for something that is not their fault and start promising that he will do anything to help the community is safe.

Hillary on the other has her own agenda. According to she proves that she wants to “ strengthen bonds between communities and police” Clinton wants to end racial profiling through federal legislation, acknowledged the black lives matter movement, etc. I agree with Hillary's plan because the first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that the problem exists. Racism due to whatever anyone says still exists. It exists in politics, media, and everywhere else. Acknowledging the problem will help people understand that it ,for some stupid reason, is a big problem that we need to deal with. Although she has a good plan, I'm not saying that she will fix everything within her term cause let's be honest racism has been around for more than our great great grandmother were. It's not gonna stop from one person standing up, but it's a step in the right direction.

I was cruising twitter today when I saw this post from a cop telling us what happened at work. According to him he was on the job when he saw someone texting and driving. Doing his job he pulled them over and when he walked up to the car, he saw that it was a young black man. The cop then told how he could sense the fear of him. His voice quivering he asked what the cop wanted him to do and if he should step out of the vehicle. The cop went off to say that he didn’t want the young man getting hurt and advised him to not text and drive. He didn’t even give him a ticket. Blame the media, blame bad cops, blame protesters even. It doesn’t matter who’s to blame, i just wish somebody to fix it. So among all the other things to consider when voting this election, take time to consider which candidate will help make it a safe place for everyone. So weather its Trump’s giving police back the power plan, or Clinton’s strengthening the bonds between police and communities that is up to you.