Monday, October 31, 2016

 Do people who change Black Lives Matter to All Lives Matter run through a cancer fundraiser yelling "There are other diseases too!"? Do they crash strangers' funerals shouting "I too have felt loss!"?  This is one of, if not the biggest misconceptions of the movement. That the movement is anti white people or anti police.  I can't stress enough that the "BLM" is not anti white people or anti police. According to http://blacklivesmatter. com: it shows that" none of this is about hatred for white life. It is about acknowledging that the system already treats white lives as if they have more value, as if they are more worthy of protection, safety, education, and a good quality of life than black lives are." Same goes for police officers. Officers are very respected and honored for their bravery and courage, but since police officers are the ones carrying out these horrible crimes, everyone expects the community of color to hates the police. That's not the case either. the same article shows that "the Black Lives Matter movement is not trying to make the world more unsafe for police officers; it hopes to make police officers less of a threat to communities of color." Everyone understands that all lives matter, but all lives can't matter until black lives matter. People need to get over themselves and acknowledge the problems that are happening.
When people are dealing with breast cancer no one interrupts them and states that there are other diseases that matter. We all know that all lives matter, but at this moment black lives don't, so all lives can't matter until black lives do. We aren't trying to be selfish, we just want to address the problem at hand. Martin Luther King once said "Our lives begin to end the day we start to become silent about things that matter." This movement is something that matters to both me and many communities, and if we don't stand up and fight for our rights no one will. 

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